Maximizing Efficiency with Stocky Shopify Purchase Orders for Smart Grid

May 30, 2024

In the realm of ecommerce, efficient inventory management is pivotal to maintaining a seamless operational flow and maximizing profitability. Stocky Shopify, a sophisticated inventory management solution, empowers retailers to optimize their purchasing decisions and stock levels through its comprehensive suite of features, including purchase orders, reorder points, and inventory grid management. Given the complex nature of inventory control and the need for precision in order placements, incorporating advanced tools like the Stocky Shopify extension can significantly enhance a business’s ability to manage its inventory more effectively, ensuring that stock levels are maintained at an optimal balance between demand and supply.

This article delves into how leveraging the Stocky Shopify purchase orders extension can streamline the process of creating, managing, and integrating purchase orders with Smart Grid technology for improved efficiency. It will cover the steps involved in setting up the extension, the creation and management of purchase orders, and how these can be integrated seamlessly with Smart Grid to optimize inventory processes further. Additionally, it will provide insights into best practices and tips for utilizing the extension to its fullest potential, ensuring that businesses can achieve a higher level of inventory management efficiency and accuracy. Through these insights, retailers can anticipate a more cohesive approach to handling purchase orders and inventory control, making the most of the Stocky Shopify extension alongside innovative Smart Grid capabilities.

Overview of Stocky Purchase Orders Extension

The Stocky Purchase Orders Extension by Shopify is a robust tool designed to streamline the process of managing inventory for retailers. It provides a comprehensive solution for creating, editing, and receiving purchase orders (POs), directly impacting the efficiency of inventory management and operations. This extension is particularly beneficial for brick-and-mortar retail businesses, where balancing stock levels and optimizing inventory decisions are crucial for maintaining profitability and resource management.

Purpose and Benefits

The primary purpose of the Stocky Purchase Orders Extension is to facilitate effective inventory management, which is a strategic advantage for retail businesses. By enabling users to create and manage purchase orders seamlessly, the extension helps in ensuring that in-demand products are adequately stocked, preventing sales losses due to stockouts. Moreover, it aids in minimizing excess inventory, thereby reducing resource drainage.

One of the significant benefits of using the Stocky app includes the ability to communicate efficiently with suppliers, ensuring that the purchase orders are processed and received accurately. The extension also supports partial receiving and backordering, which is essential for handling discrepancies in order quantities or damaged items. Additionally, the integration with Shopify POS workflows allows in-store staff to review and receive incoming inventory effectively, enhancing the overall inventory management process.

Key Features

The Stocky Purchase Orders Extension comes packed with features designed to optimize inventory management tasks:

  1. Purchase Order Management: Users can create new purchase orders, edit existing ones, send them to suppliers, and confirm receipt, all within the Stocky interface.
  2. Barcode Scanning: The extension supports receiving orders using a standard USB barcode scanner, speeding up the inventory receiving process.
  3. Discount Management: Users can apply discounts directly on purchase orders, providing flexibility in managing costs.
  4. Stock Level Restrictions: The app allows setting minimum and maximum stock values, as well as minimum order quantities, to maintain optimal stock levels.
  5. Inventory Decision Support: Stocky leverages sales data from the store to suggest products and quantities for reorder, using various forecasting methods such as last X days, custom date range, same period last year, fill shelves, and target stock level.
  6. POS UI Extensions: Leveraging Shopify's POS UI extensions technology, Stocky creates a native-like experience for inventory management workflows accessible in one click, directly from the POS.

By harnessing these features, retailers can keep stock levels balanced, minimize excess inventory costs, and ensure inventory is moving efficiently. The Stocky Purchase Orders Extension, especially when integrated with Smart Grid technology, provides a comprehensive solution for managing purchase orders and inventory, ultimately helping staff proactively manage stock and improve daily inventory operations.

Setting Up the Extension

To maximize the benefits of Stocky Shopify for inventory management, a proper setup of the extension is crucial. This section guides users through the initial configuration, detailing vendor and supplier information, and customizing preferences to align with specific business needs.

Initial Configuration

  1. Activate Stocky: Users must first ensure that Stocky is activated within their Shopify environment. This is the foundational step to unlocking the suite of features offered by the extension.
  2. Sync with Shopify: It is essential to establish a synchronization between Shopify and Stocky. This enables the seamless flow of data, including cost prices. In Stocky, navigate to Preferences > COGS to activate this sync. Users can choose to sync average costs to Shopify or cost prices into Stocky depending on their needs.
  3. Barcode Scanner Setup: For businesses utilizing barcode scanners, it is important to configure these devices to work with Stocky. Ensure the scanner is in 'keyboard mode' or HID mode for compatibility. For specific models like the Socket Mobile 1D barcode scanner, a factory reset may be necessary to change modes.

Vendor and Supplier Details

  1. Importing Vendors: Stocky automatically imports vendor information from the Shopify admin. This step is crucial for tracking inventory sources and optimizing sales strategies.
  2. Creating Suppliers: Beyond vendors, users can create detailed supplier profiles within Stocky. This allows for greater control over inventory, such as managing multiple suppliers for a product or ordering in pack sizes. Navigate to Suppliers > New Supplier, enter the supplier's name, and click Create Supplier. Further details can be added by clicking Settings > Details and saving changes.

Customizing Preferences

  1. Update Personal Information: Users should ensure their personal and business information is up to date in Stocky for accurate communication with suppliers.
  2. Custom Fields Activation: Stocky allows the activation and naming of custom fields for detailed inventory management. Users can choose where these fields are displayed for optimal workflow integration.
  3. Setting Tax Rates: For accurate financial management, users can set and display tax rates on purchase orders. This helps in maintaining compliance and ensuring correct pricing.

By following these steps for setting up the Stocky Shopify extension, businesses can streamline their inventory management processes. Customizing preferences according to specific business needs ensures that Stocky works effectively, providing a solid foundation for managing purchase orders and stock levels.

Creating Purchase Orders

Step-by-Step Guide

Creating purchase orders in Stocky involves a series of straightforward steps designed to streamline inventory management. Here's how to effectively create and manage your purchase orders:

  1. Initiate a New Purchase Order: Start by selecting New > Purchase Order within the Stocky interface. This action opens a new form where you can begin the process of creating your purchase order.
  2. Add Products: Utilize the Add Products form to include items in your purchase order. Here, you can search for specific products or browse through categories.
  3. Adjust Quantities and Costs: For each item added, specify the quantity needed by clicking in the Quantity column. To update the cost price of an item, click in the Cost Price column. These adjustments can be fine-tuned to reflect special pricing or discounts.
  4. Apply Discounts: If applicable, add a discount by selecting New > Other. Enter the discount amount in the Cost Price field along with a description and set the quantity to '1'. Confirm by clicking Add.
  5. Confirm the Purchase Order: Once all items and adjustments have been made, click Confirm to finalize the purchase order. This action will mark all items as "not delivered," setting the stage for the next phase of inventory management.

Using Vendors vs Suppliers

Stocky allows the distinction between vendors and suppliers to optimize inventory sourcing:

  1. Vendors: Typically, these are entities from which products are purchased directly. Stocky automatically imports vendor data from your Shopify admin, simplifying the process. Products generally have a single vendor.
  2. Suppliers: These can be thought of as collections of vendors or products. Creating suppliers in Stocky provides greater flexibility, allowing for the management of multiple suppliers for a product and ordering in pack sizes. To manage suppliers, navigate to Vendors, select a vendor, and then proceed to Settings > Order limits.

Setting Order Limits and Forecasting

Properly setting order limits and utilizing forecasting features are crucial for maintaining optimal inventory levels:

  1. Set Minimum and Maximum Stock Values: In Stocky, go to Locations, select a location, and enter the minimum and maximum stock values. These limits help in maintaining inventory at levels that prevent overstocking and understocking.
  2. Order Limits: Navigate to Vendors, select a vendor, and access Settings > Order limits to set minimum order quantities. This ensures that orders meet supplier requirements and inventory needs.
  3. Utilize Forecasting Tools: Stocky's forecasting tools use historical sales data to suggest appropriate stock levels. Options like Fill Shelves, Target Stock Level, and specific period analyses (e.g., Last X days, Same period last year) assist in making informed purchasing decisions.

By following these guidelines, retailers can leverage Stocky Shopify to create efficient and accurate purchase orders, enhancing overall inventory management and operational efficiency.

Managing Purchase Orders

Tracking and Editing Orders

Managing purchase orders within Stocky involves a dynamic interface that allows for real-time tracking and modifications. Users have the capability to add, edit, or remove items from a purchase order at any stage of the process. This flexibility is crucial for responding to changes in inventory needs or supplier availability.

  1. Adding Products: To add an item to a purchase order, navigate to the Add Products form within the purchase order interface. Users can select products directly through a dropdown menu which lists all items associated with a specific vendor, or by using the Plus Products module for bulk additions.
  2. Editing Orders: Adjustments can be made directly within the purchase order by clicking in the Quantity or Cost Price columns. This allows users to update the quantity of an item or modify the cost based on new pricing or discount agreements.
  3. Forecast Adjustments: The Add Products form also provides options to change the forecast type and adjust forecast parameters, ensuring that purchase orders are aligned with anticipated inventory requirements.

Payment Settings and Shipping Costs

Effective management of payment terms and shipping costs is essential for maintaining budget control and ensuring timely delivery of goods. Stocky provides detailed settings to manage these aspects efficiently.

  1. Payment Settings: Within the purchase order, users can view and manage payment details such as the amount already paid, the outstanding balance, and the due date for payments. These settings are customizable to accommodate different vendor terms.
  2. Shipping Costs: Adding a shipping price directly in the purchase order interface adjusts the landed cost of the products. Users can specify a flat shipping fee and applicable taxes. Updating these costs provides clarity on the total expenditure for the order and assists in budget forecasting.

Handling New Products and Variants

Introducing new products or variants into the inventory through purchase orders requires careful management to ensure seamless integration into existing stock levels.

  1. New Product Integration: When adding new products or variants, it is important to use consistent identifiers such as SKUs or barcodes to maintain inventory accuracy. Stocky allows for the import of these details through CSV files, ensuring that new items are correctly cataloged.
  2. Variant Management: Adjusting existing product variants or adding new ones can be done directly within the purchase order. This helps in keeping the inventory up-to-date with the latest product offerings and variations.

By utilizing these tools and settings within Stocky, businesses can effectively manage their purchase orders, ensuring that inventory levels are optimized, costs are controlled, and product offerings remain current. This comprehensive approach to order management not only streamlines operations but also supports strategic business growth.

Integrating with Smart Grid

POS UI Extensions

Integrating the Stocky Shopify purchase orders with Smart Grid technology leverages Shopify's POS UI extensions to create efficient inventory management workflows. These extensions are designed to be accessible with a single click, facilitating quick and easy management of stock transfers and purchase orders directly within the POS interface. Staff members can immediately view and handle incoming inventory transfers from other retail locations and incoming inventory from suppliers, which significantly enhances the ability to manage stock levels and maintain inventory accuracy.

Smart Grid Dashboard Functionality

The Smart Grid dashboard in the Shopify POS app plays a crucial role in streamlining the inventory management process. To integrate effectively, users should first add a Purchase Order tile to each POS device that will be receiving inventory. Following these steps enhances the visibility and accessibility of purchase orders:

  1. Adding Purchase Order Tile: In the Shopify POS app, tap Add tile on the smart grid.
  2. Access Stocky App: Select App > Stocky.
  3. Configure Purchase Order: In the Purchase Order field, tap Add and then Save.

Once the tile is added, managing the inventory becomes more intuitive:

  1. Viewing Orders: Tap Purchase Orders on the smart grid to see orders in transit.
  2. Receiving Inventory: Select the desired purchase order and tap on the items you wish to receive. Users can either manually update the number of products received or use a barcode scanner for efficiency.
  3. Completing Orders: To finalize the receipt of all items, tap Receive all. For individual items, update the received quantity and tap Receive (X) item(s) after reviewing each product.

These steps ensure that the integration of Stocky Shopify with the Smart Grid enhances operational efficiency by providing a clear and accessible overview of inventory and purchase orders directly on the POS dashboard. This integration helps staff proactively manage stock levels and reduce excess inventory costs, thereby improving daily inventory operations.

Best Practices and Tips

Optimizing Inventory Levels

  1. Utilize Demand Forecasting: Implementing effective demand forecasting methods such as "Fill Shelves", "Target Stock Level", and analyzing past sales data can help in predicting the optimal amount of inventory needed. This approach reduces the risk of overstocking and understocking, ensuring that capital is not tied up in excess inventory and that sales opportunities are not missed due to stockouts.
  2. Set Strategic Stock Levels: Establish minimum and maximum stock values for each product at different locations using the Stocky app. These limits are crucial in maintaining healthy inventory levels that support consistent customer service and efficient cash flow.
  3. Regularly Review Inventory Metrics: Keeping track of inventory metrics such as turnover rates, average stock levels, and reorder points can provide insights into inventory performance. Adjust these metrics based on seasonal variations or changes in consumer demand to maintain optimal stock levels.
  4. Implement SKU Rationalization: Regularly review and adjust the SKU assortment to ensure that the inventory aligns with customer preferences and sales trends. This practice helps in minimizing carrying costs and reducing the risk of dead stock.

Streamlining Supplier Communication

  1. Automate Purchase Order Processes: Utilize Stocky to automate the sending of purchase orders. Purchase orders can be sent directly as PDFs or CSV files via email from the Stocky interface, simplifying the communication process with suppliers and ensuring accuracy in order details.
  2. Track and Document Discrepancies: Maintain a log of any discrepancies noted during inventory receipt in the PO app or Shopify’s back office. This documentation is vital for resolving issues with suppliers quickly and can be used to adjust future orders or select alternative suppliers if necessary.
  3. Establish Clear Communication Channels: Set up dedicated channels for communicating with suppliers, such as direct lines or email addresses specifically for order inquiries and dispute resolution. This ensures that any issues are addressed promptly and efficiently.
  4. Regular Supplier Reviews: Conduct regular reviews of supplier performance based on criteria such as delivery times, product quality, and responsiveness to communication. These reviews can help in identifying reliable suppliers and fostering strong supplier relationships, which are essential for inventory management efficiency.

By adhering to these best practices, businesses can optimize their inventory levels and streamline supplier communication, leading to improved operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.


Throughout this exploration of maximizing efficiency with Stocky Shopify Purchase Orders for Smart Grid, we've seen how integrating sophisticated inventory management tools can profoundly enhance business operations. The article outlined the functionality and setup of the Stocky extension, underscored its benefits in creating and managing purchase orders, and demonstrated how its integration with Smart Grid technology fosters streamlined inventory management processes. The insights provided emphasize the significance of adopting modern technological solutions to address traditional retail challenges—optimizing stock levels, facilitating efficient order management, and improving supplier communication—all aimed at driving profitability and operational efficiency.

Reflecting on these discussions, it's clear that the path toward achieving heightened inventory management efficiency lies in leveraging the right tools and practices. For businesses looking to further refine their inventory strategies, especially those utilizing Shopify POS, reaching out to MLVeda for assistance in migration, setup, implementation, and troubleshooting can provide tailored solutions to meet specific needs. In doing so, retailers can ensure they are not only meeting the demands of today's market but are also well-positioned for future growth and success. By emphasizing strategic decision-making and the effective use of technology, businesses can look forward to a more streamlined, profitable future.


1. What is Stocky and how does it integrate with Shopify?
Stocky by Shopify is an inventory management application designed to enhance the capabilities of Shopify POS Pro subscriptions. It assists in managing inventory by monitoring stock levels, predicting future inventory requirements, and recommending product orders.

2. How can I create a purchase order using Stocky?
To create a purchase order in Stocky, navigate to Purchases, then select New Purchase Order. Choose whether the purchase order is for a vendor or supplier. Use the Generate option and select Using Suggestion. Fill in the necessary details and click on Create Purchase Order to finalize.

3. What is the procedure for adjusting inventory levels in Stocky?
To adjust inventory in Stocky, go to Inventory, select Stock Adjustments, and then click on + Stock Adjustment. Use the search field to select the products you wish to adjust. Enter the adjustment amount where positive values will increase your stock levels, and negative values will decrease them.

4. How do you perform an inventory count in Stocky?
There are several methods to perform an inventory count in Stocky:

  1. Manual Stocktake: Navigate to Inventory > Stocktakes and manually enter the count.
  2. Barcode Scanner Stocktake: Ensure your barcode scanner is set to Basic Mode before starting the stocktake in Stocky.

Types of Stocktakes: By default, any new stocktake is considered a full stocktake, but partial stocktakes can also be performed depending on your needs.

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