‎9 Proven ways to increase your International sales on ‎Shopify‎

June 14, 2023

I hope you might be selling on Shopify beyond your own borders?  If not, then it’s high time to expand your online business not only domestically but also internationally.

And if yes, then you already know that if you don’t expand to fill a gap in the marketplace your opponents surely will.

We’ll look at specific techniques that you can use for increasing your global sales, while also exploring the solutions for executing each of the techniques.

After completing the detailed reading of this post, you will be able to take your International e-commerce business turn it into a powerhouse that generates sales day and night.

1) Think Local

Your store might be doing amazing business domestically, but at the same time, it is failing to achieve the target you had previously decided.

  • 92%of online customer prefer to shop and make purchases on sites that price in their local currency.
  • 33% of them likely to abandon a purchase if pricing is in US dollars only.

So, you need to localize your stores and products currency in your customer’s local currency.

Reducing the mathematic calculation for your buyers of translating the currencies in their local ones can genuinely increase your International sales.

Recommended App:    “Auto Currency Switcher”

2) Set Multiple Prices for Different Countries

Selling in the international market is challenging for most sellers as a result of various factors involved like:

  • High shipping charge and taxes.
  • Setting up different stores and different prices in different countries.

All of these makes running an online store difficult and also lessens the chance of earning maximum profit.

Setting different pricing for different countries can largely increase your sales, revenue, and profit. However, one requires to create a separate online store for different countries in Shopify if you want to achieve the same.

There is an app, by which you can achieve the same within your existing Shopify store.

With that plugin, you can include customs duties, taxes, and shipping charges in the products price itself. So by including all the extra prices in your base price  you can offer/show them a free shipping” option to your customers.

By offering/showing your customers the facility of free shipping, they might keep coming back to your store and this indirectly increases your overall revenue.

Recommended App:   “Multi-Country Pricing”

3) The mystery of Abandon Checkout

The pain of shopping cart abandonment affects both small and large business alike. An average eCommerce store loses over 75% of its sales to cart abandonment. Some e-commerce industries experience average cart abandonment as high as 83.6%.

It is found that 92% of online customer prefer to shop and make purchases on sites that show prices in customer’s local currency.

But due to Shopify’s limitation, your customer’s are not able to make the payment/purchase in their desired currency.

When they see a sudden change in currency at the final stage of checkout they just feel like your store is not localized, and thus they will abandon the purchase and leave.

There is an unpublished app especially for the Shopify users, which allows buyers to make payment in their desired/local currency. It supports 120+ currency option for checkout.

Recommended App:   “mCheckout”

4) Engage online store visitors with live chat

Having a real-time support for answering the questions of online buyers while they are in the middle of an online purchase is one of the most important features a website can offer.

A research by MarTech concluded that 51% of the online shoppers are more likely to buy from a web-site that provides a live chat option.

  • 48% of customers are more likely to return to the website.
  • 41% of online shoppers trust the brand when they see a live chat.
  • 21% of online customers claim that live chat helps them to shop while working.

From the above data, it is clear that live chat is not something that can be ignored. Many confused buyers don’t make any purchase from the store, because their confusion or query is not solved in real-time.

There is a software by which you can integrate your Shopify store with live chat. It offers you as a store owner the option of real-time chat with your domestic as well as international customers.

Live chat provides faster query resolving times and quicker responses – providing a better customer experience.

Recommended App:   " Olark Live Chat"

5) Upsell your Product

Back in 2006, Amazon reported that 35% of its revenues were as a direct result ‎of its cross sales and upselling efforts.‎

Upselling is nothing but a sales techniques in which you offer your buyers the chance to upgrade their purchase by maximizing the value of their purchase –by purchasing a related product with it.

The indication is to make your customer purchase more (spend more) they originally thought they would spend.

Amazon's Upselling

What can you upsell?

  • Most sold product – In demand or best product.
  • Most reviewed products – For convincing your customers better.
  • Most relevant products – Depends on customers to customers

There is  an app which helps you upsell your customers when they click the checkout button by showing them a creative and eye-catching pop-up window and also offers the last possibility to add products in the cart based on the contents of their shopping cart.

Recommended App:    "Upsell for Products"

6) Optimize your store for Mobile view

According to Statista in 2018, 52.2% of percent of all website traffic worldwide was generated through mobile phones increased from 50.3% in the previous year.

You see more than half of the internet users are accessing web-site from their mobile device.

Thus it becomes a vital factor to optimize your mobile site. Now let’s see some stats regarding why fast loading mobile page is important to increase your international sales.

Data by Hubspot says:

  • A 1-seconddelay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.
  • A 1 second delay in page load time means 11% loss of page views.
  • 47% of user expect a web page to load in 2 secondsor less.

As you now know that your online store’s mobile visitors are always in a hurry. Thus you need your mobile site's loading speed to be really quick, otherwise, there are many other alternatives available for them which they can try anytime.

You must know that if your online store is optimized for mobile then your ranking on the Google will automatically get enhanced.

There is an app which generates AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) pages for the Shopify stores and makes your mobile site 85% faster creating AMP pages automatically for all the product.

Recommended App:   " FireAMP "

7) Leverage user-generated content

Make the most out of your User-Generated contents. It is the fact that when any of your potential buyers read the product review or any content provided by the user of the product, they feel that the content is impartial because one of them has created it and they trust it.

Your potential international buyers will gain trust on your brand easily as they’d see their native one’s reviewing, commenting and more.

Not only you’ll build trust for your brand and product, but eventually, your overall sales will also drastically increase.

What can you do is start promoting your customer's reviews, comments on various social media. Don’t worry you won’t need to do that manually. There is an app in the Shopify app store  which does this task for you.

Recommended App:    “Yotpo”

8) Learn Every Languages

Yes, that would eventually be very effective. Not all your competitors follow this practice of learning all the languages and implementing them in their online store.

Just imagine your mother tongue is “English” and you know only that language. And you visited an online store whose displaying language is “German”. Then obviously you’ll be leaving that site even if you are interested in that store’s product, just because you don’t understand the store's language.

This same thing happens with your potential customers too. According to data 55% of the internet content used worldwide is English.

[caption id="attachment_783" align="alignnone" width="1000"]

source: https://upload.wikimedia.org/

Just think what about the other 45%? And if you could optimize your store for the other 45% too, then I don’t need to tell how much sales you’ll generate.

In order to target the other 45%, there is an app which will translate your store in the visitor’s desired language. Which would indirectly create a positive imprint on their mind that your store is localized one and they’d not abandon the online store.

Recommended App:    “Langify”

9) Do Email-Campaigns

Do you know you can convert your new visitors into your daily customer? Yes, by doing the email campaigns (effectively) it is possible to convert the visitors into your buyers.

Email Marketing is no lesser than a word of mouth marketing. All you need to do is, do it effectively and in an organized manner.

A data says the email marketing has a 3,800% ROI, meaning you can earn $38 in revenue for every $1 you spend.

But, these statistics won’t be of any help to you or anyone if it’s not implemented properly.

There are many app which will automate your email campaigns, create beautiful templates and will also grow your email list.

Recommended App:  "Email & Marketing Automation"


I hope this article may be helpful to you. However, these are only the 9 most effective ways, there are many other ways too for increasing your international sales.

If you know any other effective way please mention it below by leaving a comment. I’ll surely add it that in my upcoming articles.        

Do tell, which tactic/way(s) have worked for your store to boost the International sales.

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